Inspired by the the founding generations of lacrosse, and in partnership with Turtle Island Lacrosse, The Give & Go Foundation will provide a monetary scholarship to an indigenous lacrosse player in support of their goals to pursue higher education and lacrosse.
An eligible applicant is
- An indigenous lacrosse player between the ages of 10 & 21 years old.
- An athlete with a specific need for financial support relating to lacrosse.
- Boys & Girls are eligible!
The ideal candidate will
- Have a clearly described need for financial support.
- Be significantly impacted by this scholarship.
- Have demonstrated leadership qualities in the classroom, community, and playing field.
- Have demonstrated a commitment to giving back to others within their community.
- Intend to pursue continuing their academic and lacrosse career beyond high school.
Application Process
The application process can be completed using this application form. Please reach out directly to [email protected] with any additional questions or information regarding the Give & Go Foundation Scholarships.
Application Window
Applications will be accepted until 7/1/22. Scholarships will be rewarded in August 2022.
Support The Turtle Island Scholarship Fund
We believe in the impact of this scholarship can have on the lacrosse community, and the importance of changing lives. Please consider supporting this scholarship fund by making a charitable donation. All contributions are 100% tax-deductible & go directly to our Scholarship Initiatives.
Click Here to Support our Scholarship Funds!
About Turtle Island Lacrosse
Turtle Island Lacrosse believes that all people on Turtle Island (North America) deserve to experience the game of lacrosse and learn the cultural understanding of the sport.
Founders and Current Professional Lacrosse Players Randy Staats and Brendan Bomberry of Turtle Island Lacrosse have developed a curriculum to provide groups and individual players with access to the knowledge and experiences that they have gained during each stage of their careers. Spreading the knowledge of their culture as Haudenosaunee people and the game throughout Turtle Island and beyond is our ultimate goal.